Thursday, April 17, 2008

Must... Post... Again...

Yeah, I know - it's been awhile... Sorry 'bout that. But let's not dwell on it.

Moving on...

Earlier this month, Downbeast linked to a article with Peter Erskine where Peter lists his "Desert Island Dozens." Basically, the twelve albums he would choose if they were the only records he could listen to for the rest of his days.

This got me to thinking about mine. Instead of racking my brain trying to come up with a list that would satisfy me for the remainder of existence (I know myself well enough to know that it is pretty much impossible) I tried to think instead of the top 5 albums that I never tire of.

It's not easy - I have the attention span of a tsetse fly. But looking over my collection there are a few gems that I can always enjoy no matter what my mood or where my tastes happen to be focused. So, with no further ado, here are my top 5. Feel free to share yours.

In no particular order

A Love Supreme – John Coltrane
London Calling – the Clash
The Roots of Dub – King Tubby
The Shape of Jazz to Come – Orenette Coleman
The Politics of Time – The Minutemen

Honorable Mention(s): St. Pepper’s – The Beatles, Bitch’s Brew – Miles Davis, Plastic Surgery Disasters – The Dead Kennedys

Yeah, I know - not the most esoteric or obscure list. I’m sorry, those are just damn fine records. I never get tired of them.


C2 said...

Wow just 5 huh? Here we go, right off the top of my head. In no particular order. And this is as of 04-17-08 because I'm sure it will change on 04-18-08, hehe.

1) Songs in the Key of Life - Stevie Wonder
2) Blue - Joni Mitchell
3) On the Corner - Miles Davis
4) Paul's Boutique - Beastie Boys
5) Superfly - Curtis Mayfield

1) Get it While You Can - Howard Tate
2) Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
3) BlackByrd - Donald Byrd
4) Blueprint - Jay Z
5) A 50 record collection of all the hits from Motown (hehe)


M.Farina said...

On the Corner? I never would have guessed that would be on your list. Hard to get bored of it, that's fo' sho'

C2 said...

Yup, On the Corner. I may have said "Bitch's..." if you didn't say it. But I go with Corner, for the Soul/Funk foundation I love. I would need one album to daydream too and that is it (notice others, as excepted, are very straight forward "song" albums). I also recently picked up "Big Fun" which was in the whole Bitch's/Corner sessions. Very different, almost an international sound. I've turned a lot of people on to "On the Corner", to remind newbies Miles wasn't all "Kind of Blue", hehehe.